Im a matured alluring beauty and an undeniably exquisite companion whom any high-quality gentleman dreams of. I always uphold my elegance ???? Im so excited to be able to serve you and show you pure pleasure ???? The skills like mine are absolutely breathtaking and have you wanting more. I can always help loosen you up with my exotic curves that you’ll love to caress ???? Fetishes are always welcome! Your deepest fantasies have finally come to life!

General Infos:

Age: 35
Height: 166
Weight: 57
Bust Size: Big

1 hour, USD: 200
2 hours, USD: 400
All Night, USD: 1000
Outcall escort: Yes

Escort Preferences

Vaginal sex
Oral sex
Oral without condom
Pussy licking


I am in a sexless marriage, unfortunately I need some female attention fro time to time. I am retired in Las Vegas and would love some attention. What can offer me? I am a White male was very Veil bu that is tailing off.